Here’s a beach therapy session for our racehorse Chai.
He is with our boy Snappy, having his first ever ride on the beach.
Chai is having his first race start on Monday.
Category Archives: Beach training
For Sue
It is with a very deep and heavy dark heart that I have to say a final goodbye to a very dear friend of mine, Sue Macdonald. Sue was the co-owner of our beautiful FEI mare CC, who competes under the name of A Spider Bite.
Sue absolutely loved CC and came to every competition with me for the last 5 years. In 2012 Sue bought into a half share owning CC with me. Well, that was just the beginning of a tremendous lovable journey for Sue, CC and me, and it also included all of my team of horses here at SDS. Sue helped me to transport and prepare the horses for all the shows and CC was a major part of this production.
I will miss Sue very very much. Sue gave us all the will to be positive and just Go On!!!! with LIFE.
Preparations for Sydney CDI 2015
Have to start concentrating on CC to prepare for the Sydney CDI 2015. We are in the Small Tour classes, and Boy what a strong field!!! Apparently record entries again for this year’s event. So pack your bags and come down for a little hol and watch all these wonderful riders and horses. It’s an exciting event!!! 7-9 May at SIEC Horsley Park, we compete on the Thursday with the Prix St Georges and the Intermediate 1 on the Friday and then we have to qualify to get into the Intermediate Freestyle on the Saturday night.
Back from Orange CDI 2015
Sue and I were impressed with CC for this trip as she seemed much more mature, with the whole experience and competing. Although at times she does get a bit overwhelmed with the event and the atmosphere and unfortunately that is reflected in her scores, as a few tiny mistakes crept in. But it was only her third Intermediate 1. We will post some photos of C at Orange as soon as we get some.
So we are back home and already working on our areas to improve.
We had a day of beach riding this morning… meditation for CC and going really fast for Penny…!!!
The two girls are off to Grafton this Sunday, CC to do the Small Tour and Penny is going Medium.
Preparing for Orange CDI 2015, on the beach…
We took Spider Bite to the beach this morning for her to have her meditation time before we head off next week to compete at the Orange CDI.
Micha rode Penny and the girls had some fun (no sharks !!).
Beachrider wanted
This is Sydney and Michaela and I riding Villa on the beach on Saturday. We had a ball! It is so funny cause I think Sydney needs to learn how to GO!!!!!!!, so he can keep up with Vila, Peter’s racehorse (who has won a race and who is pretty fast), bred by Bart Cummings …
At the moment I am riding him on the beach every second day, but I have to have a mate with him, as he is not confident to go by himself. So anyone out there who rides on the beach, please let me know. We go with Dawn on her dressage pony Tim, and we have Sydney to teach how to GO. But I soon run out of dressage horses, and so I need a running supply of horses to ride with. (Maybe I should get Pete to don the breeches!!!!)
SO THIS SUMMER, we are going to put our concentrated efforts into Villa, and get him up and racing.
With CC and Sydney on the beach
We took CC and Sydney to the beach yesterday. Sue came as well and took the shot. We rode for about half an hour, mostly in a good canter. They both luved it, and like their father does, CC does too – MEDITATE: When we stopped for a little break, CC started to close her eyes, stood very still and was meditating…..mmmmmm :))))))
Kevin and Sydney on the beach again
Boy!!! Maybe we should change the name of our place to Sally’s Seaside Dressage Riding…!!! Last Thursday, we had a gap in the rainy weather and took Sydney and Kevin down, and I gave Kev his first taste of going a bit faster than in the dressage arena!!
Passage on the Beach
Training with Poppy on the beach and bitless at SDS
One of my students, Poppy, is currently staying with us for a while. Yesterday, we have been on the beach, with Poppy riding CC and I on Kevin the racehorse. It was a super day, great weather. Both our horses were keen to show off their talents at speed training… cross-training for dressage… Poppy also tried out the bitless bridle that Iris has introduced us to, one of the latest models from Germany we have been riding Basil (aka A’Seduction) in too. Further below is Poppy on her Basil boy Mr Tickles.
CC with Milly and Raquel on the Beach

Sally on CC, bay mare by A’Seduction, born 2006, part-owned by Sue MacDonald, here at Patches Beach.
We took CC and Milly to the beach a couple of weeks ago. It was CC’s first time ever. She follows in her Dad’s hoofsteps; she walks down to the water and starts to meditate. Milly is here on a working holiday with Raquel and she enjoys the relaxation of it too. Milly is a horse we had bred as a racehorse for Peter. She has moved on to a career as an eventer with Raquel who now owns her.