Basil (A’Seduction) is looking wonderful and competing with his young rider Chloe Moon in WA at FEI level a couple of weeks ago. Chloe says on her facebook page: “I am so grateful for the ride. When things work out I learn, when they don’t I still learn, he is such a special horse.”
Category Archives: A’Seduction (Basil)
Tweed Valley Dressage Group Jackpot Event 22 June
We took CC and Sydney Boy up to the Tweed Valley Dressage Group Jackpot event. They had two classes with Jackpot winnings, the Preliminary and the Novice class.
CC did her two Advanced classes and won both of them, her first test was just a supa one, even the judge came up to me after and said WOW, she had never given so many 7’s. It was exciting to hear such wonderful feedback. Its funny ’cause CC often does her best test on the first one of the day, like the PSG at Caboolture, when she finished 3rd. CC just loves this sport!!
Then Sydney Boy had to do his 2 tests, both the jackpots, and to our surprise he also won both classes, with over 71%. Again the judge came up to me and mentioned that she loved his uphill canter.
Sydney was a very good boy to ride and behaved himself, so when we got home I said to Sue, lets get him going now and do the 5yo class at the Brisbane CDI.
What a day!!!!!!
Its so nice to have these Babies of my darling stallion Basil, that we bred and have nurtured through to competing them, and they are going so well.
And by the way, Basil is having an absolute BALL with Alison in WA, he adores her.
The last photo of Basil and I
This is the last photo of Basil and I at Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Horsley Park. The end of an era for Basil and I. We have been together for 16 years, with unbelievable memories and incredible highs, with dreams come true successes. I love him so much and I thank him for teaching me a lot. He will be in my heart forever.
New picture of Basil in competition Aug 2013
Summerland Dressage Group Championships Aug/Sep 2013
Last weekend we had the 2-day champs on for the Summerland Dressage Group. We had a great day.
- CC won the advanced tests and the champion too, she got 66 and a 68%.
- And Sydney did his Preliminary classes and got Reserve Champion, with a 68 and a 72%.
- Basil got 4th in the Inter2 with 61%.
Found out Basil was a bit sore, think a muscle, probably doing his acrobatics in the paddock, and we had to scratch from the GP on the Sunday… gruu. But maybe that is why he did not win the Inter2, although we did still score a 63% from one of the judges!! Poor Basil, he is just such an honest boy, always tries for you.
My Darling, Penny girl (A Heaven Sent) did the Novice tests, and well… in the first test, the jockey, mmm, who is she some crazy girl thinking she can memorise 10 tests for the weekend, and YEP, made 2 errors of test and still got a 65%. But wised up and asked Skye to call the next one and she came a very very close 3rd… So yep, Penny probably would have come home with a better championship result, but oh well, you do learn from your mistakes eh…
Still, it was a supa day. There were four competing in the Big Tour, which is great for our Regional Champs. And all up, there were five Basil Babes in the Novice!!!
All manes and tails and pony tails!!!!!!!
Sydney CDI 2013
It was an eventful CDI this year, with not only riding 3 horses, but having 5 most wonderful Ladies assisting me. I only wish that we had done a little better in our success, but we were so happy with the way the horses all went. We took Basil (A’Seduction) for the Grand Prix and the Grand Prix Special, CC (A Spider Bite) and Penny (A Heaven Sent) in the 6yo and 5yo events.
Three years ago when Penny was a yearling, she loved to live in her paddock. She was not really into the creature comforts of the stable. As she matured and went under saddle, she told me she wanted to stay barefoot for as long as she can. She loves being one with nature, our Pen, so I nicknamed her “my Nimbin Pony” (after the town of Nimbin here in the Northern Rivers), ‘cause she reminds of someone who would live there, someone who loves living with one in nature, and a balance of all things, with a little bit of magic on the side!!!
AND BOY did she live up to her nickname. She was so cool at the CDI, so relaxed and chilled. The girls were talking of hanging some posters up in her stable of rolling pastures and trees. Penny’s first really huge event and she showed an absolutely amazing attitude. Pen put in a good run in her first round of the young horse championships. Considering she has done 2 other young horse classes, both achieving 71%, we were all pretty shocked to see the judges did not respond to her this time. But oh well, I do have the thought that these YH classes are a bit biased, (a little like the Hack ring): big names, big horses, powerful movement. But Pen, she has it, attitude and power, but the judges did not consider this today. Oh well. She will make the most amazing competition horse for some very lucky rider, and right now I want to campaign her onto higher levels and get her changes and half passes happening.
CC is completely different to her little sis. We call her our OH&S girl, cause, man oh man, she is right on top of it all: safety, safety, safety comes first. CC must make sure the environment is safe, the conditions are up to 5 Star, (as that is what she is accustomed too), and then she will perform. She went so fantastic. CC had to compete in the main GP arena, so it is all dressed up with pot plants and 5 judges boxes, and flags and signs and all, BUT CC excelled and gave me the trust, that bond you have with your horses, and she went so great – she finished 5th only, 1% off placing 3rd, with the horses in front of her all having been imported into AUS. CC did the same at the Qld YH championships last year. She will be a Grand Prix horse of the future. Both her parents are GP competitors, so she is a very lucky girl. Sue and I completely enjoy training her and her antics keep us laughing!!
Basil on the other hand, he was told for weeks leading up to the CDI that he was not going, until the night before. Then he saw us packing and preparing his horse float and parking near his stable for a quick getaway in the morning. So he arrived there almost so relaxed, it too was funny. Unfortunately due to my hand having been broken last year, poor Bas had not even been out to a competition for 7 months or more and I think it was a bit of a shock to him. He must have thought he was in a type of semi retirement, just training at home, and he has a student who has a lesson on him every week. But to his credit, considering that most of the other horses had been to many events in the last several months leading up to this prestigious 3 Star international show, I was very happy with his effort in the Grand Prix. The international judge from the Netherlands had never seen us before and he gave us 7’s for Piaffe and 7’s for our transition out into Passage. This I was very happy to see as I had been working on this. It was good to see credit for my training. The centre line judge had us in 11th place. So you see I would like to have had a better result, (maybe finish in the top ten), but I was most satisfied and happy with my man Basil, and he too was very happy doing his test.
And my 5 lovely ladies were absolutely fantastic, and really spoilt me so much. I felt like a princess, with a team of horses and a great team of supporters.
It was a great fun CDI this year.
Horses for Sale
Update: A’Seduction has been SOLD in early 2014.
Update: ASpannerintheworks (Winni) has been SOLD in early 2015.
A’Seduction Babies still available for sale:
A Secret Supa Hero (Secret)
A Snap Decision (Snap)
Last edited 14.02.2015
Competition in Grafton 7 April 2013
CC won the medium again with a 67%. Some fantastic comments from the two judges, they both really liked her. I luv riding her she is soo exciting… soo smart a big thinker!!
A Sydney Boy won the Grafton Preliminary Jackpot – a 1C with 71%!
Basil had a run thru his GP getting ready for the CDI. It had been a while since we had a competition and he went pretty good, very settled and better in his piaffe and passage especially down the final centre line due to some practice with Rodrigo. So happy with him. He would have finished higher but he lost the flow and concentration a bit so he came home with a 60%.
There were two other Basil babes there and they won too. So A’Seduction winners all round for Grafton event!!
A’Seduction and his two girls A Heaven Sent (Penny) and A Spider Bite (CC)
A’Seduction is now 16 years old. We bought him when he was an 8 months old colt. He has won so many Regional and State Championships and so many trophy rugs, I have lost count. We competed in a total of 6 young dressage horse events, every time finishing in the Top 3. He was 3 times a Champion of his Age and twice he was awarded the Champion of Champions. And now this year we have two of his baby girls qualified for the Young Horse Classes at the Sydney CDI. We will also take A’Seduction himself to compete in the Grand Prix International class. So WOW, I never in my dreams thought that this would ever happen. We are very proud of A’Seduction and his two girls. He has produced some amazing lovely trainable young horses. There are many out competing now and doing extremely well.
The two girls going in the Sydney CDI Young Horse Classes this year are A Heaven Sent (aka Penny) and A Spider Bite (aka CC). They are going in the 5yo and the 6yo events. The fields are so strong, with so many very nice top quality horses. But you have to realise that they judge just what they see on the day, and if you have a little glitch then you suffer the consequences. Success will show up as the years pass by with many consistent performances, and the results will be on the board. And ultimately, that is what we all want: a well behaved, calm, flowing, active and alive test, then we progress up the classes to Grand Prix. IT’S SO EXCITING!!!
A Heaven Sent has the most beautiful temperament, and lovely suspended trot action. She is also a very pretty girl. Pen is my little worker girl, she loves training and practising all her work. When she was growing up, I called her my Nimbin Pony, as she loves to be outside with nature, she loves being in her paddock and she is very laid back about life in general. As she grows and matures, I believe Pen will be the near perfect dressage competitor!!
A Spider Bite, and yes she was actually bitten by a spider when she was a yearling, cause I knew you were going to ask, how did she get that name? CC has already won 3 championship rugs herself. And she has won her first test this year, the medium at the NADEC event – she even got a 9 in that test. She was soo well behaved, calm yet a bit excited, just what you need to produce a good test!! We call CC our OH&S (official health and safety) girl: CC makes sure everything is safe before she goes anyway. She is spunky, studious, and is the life at any party she goes to!! CC has the big plan picture already set in her goals… Grand Prix!
So it is very exciting for Peter and me to have a Family Affair going to the Sydney CDI International 3 Star 2013. And of course thanks to a big team of friends, students and owners, this plan can happen.
Last edited 21.12.2013
A’Seduction and Sally Evans in Grand Prix CDI-W (Videos)
Dressage Lessons on A’Seduction and bitless training
Iris has introduced us to this new model of a bitless bridle from Germany. Here she is presenting our Grand Prix Stallion A’Seduction (aka Basil) for his third time only in this bitless bridle, caught on photograph in the midst of flying changes, October 2012. She says:
It’s a beautiful experience to ride a horse in advanced movements who responds to ‘the push of a button’. You learn how the horse should feel at this level. And what is more, riding bitless focuses both horse and rider on seat and leg aids, and on the most important aim of dressage overall, that is riding truely independent of the reins. A’Seduction is a true gentleman and team player at all of this.
Sally is now offering Dressage Lessons on A’Seduction.