We took CC and Sydney Boy up to the Tweed Valley Dressage Group Jackpot event. They had two classes with Jackpot winnings, the Preliminary and the Novice class.
CC did her two Advanced classes and won both of them, her first test was just a supa one, even the judge came up to me after and said WOW, she had never given so many 7’s. It was exciting to hear such wonderful feedback. Its funny ’cause CC often does her best test on the first one of the day, like the PSG at Caboolture, when she finished 3rd. CC just loves this sport!!
Then Sydney Boy had to do his 2 tests, both the jackpots, and to our surprise he also won both classes, with over 71%. Again the judge came up to me and mentioned that she loved his uphill canter.
Sydney was a very good boy to ride and behaved himself, so when we got home I said to Sue, lets get him going now and do the 5yo class at the Brisbane CDI.
What a day!!!!!!
Its so nice to have these Babies of my darling stallion Basil, that we bred and have nurtured through to competing them, and they are going so well.
And by the way, Basil is having an absolute BALL with Alison in WA, he adores her.