A Spider Bite 2014
We are off to a three day clinic with Rodrigo this weekend at Grafton, with the two girls. Looking forward to working on the piaffe and passage and the flying changes with both of them!!!!!
The Far North Coast NSW Dressage Championships held at lovely Bangalow was on three weeks ago and we took all 3 of our A’seduction progeny. We came home with two Championships and a Reserve.
A Sydney Boy won both Preliminary classes with over 70% tests. He even got a “9” from a Grand Prix judge from Sydney!!! She loved him!!!
A Heaven Sent came second in both the Elementary classes. It seems she is always the bridesmaid!!!!
A Spider Bite came second in the Prix St Georges. Yes she was a bit cheeky and had a few breaks of pace, ooppps!!, and then she won the Intermediate 1 and got the Champion.
The weekend after that, we took Spider Bite up to the NADEC Gold Coast Championships. We did the two Advanced to prepare her for the Nationals at the end of October. CC did two nice tests and won both with 70% and 71%. She brought another beautiful woolen championship rug home.
Sue and I are very happy with her and in fact, all three of them, they are supa horses.