Sue and I drove 14 hours to Orange CDI in February, the ThinLine Dressage with Altitude International event. CC competed in the Advanced classes, the Freestyle and the Prix St Georges International class. We were very pleased with her results. She came home with some ribbons, placing very close scores in the Advanced. This was a really big show for her, especially first up for the year too, after a break over the Christmas period.
What is the lovely thing, when you take these journeys to these big events, you get to meet the great people and other competitors and you become friends; and the funny things that happen and the great experiences that form your relationship with your horse.
I was given a chance to be on media with the Live screening TV for the event, I commentated for the very first class, the brand new Intermediate A, there were about 9 competitors, with Brett taking home the purse. It was fun though, I had a ball doing this, and I ended up even doing some on the spot interviews with some riders.