We took CC to the Qld event held at QSEC run by the Qld Dressage Committee on Easter Sunday. It was a huge day as it took about 3 hours to drive up there and then back again, plus calling in to get a special racing feed for Vilayet at the Gold Coast, so the day was a very long one. The day before, Good Friday, I had caught Peter’s cold that he had gotten from working way too long hours (the poor man is addicted to his bosses and his work).
I got it soo bad that I could hardly ride CC, I felt like I was going to be sick all over her.
Anyway, it must not have been so bad for her ’cause she did a lovely Advanced test and we won it on 68%. Sue was very excited. It was a super confidence builder for the Sydney CDI.
We also came 4th in the PSG.
Long day but good fun.