Here are some pics taken of Scuba at the event of Summerland Dressage Club at Bangalow from Sunday. He competed Novice and won 2nd place with 68%. All photographs in this post are taken by one of my students, Em, she is a professional photographer. Lynne and Jacquie, both students of mine, were there too and they were a great help for the whole day.
CC did a very nice Inter 1 gaining 67% that day too. That was after her 2 days at Caboolture where she did a 69%. We were very pleased with her as she is starting to handle all the movements of the Inter 1 now. CC had only done her third ever Inter 1 at Orange CDI in February this year, so it was nice to give her a chance to have some more practise at it.

My Students Lynne and Jacquie helping with Scuba; here they have just unplaited him. Bangalow 18.4.2015, Photo: Emma Morley
Last edited 3.5.2015