Vilayet in his racing days at Lismore race track, Dec 2012, who will now be known in the dressage arena as “Russian Lights”
This coming Saturday is the last of the twilight series. Our clever little ex-racehorse, Villa, will be having his ‘Maiden start’ in a dressage competition. We have given him a new name to commence his dressage career… ’Russian Lights’, a name that I think really suits him. We came up with it because he is by the stallion Fantastic Light and his racing name was of Russian origin.
The following weekend, I am off on a road trip with Wendy to go judging at Hastings Valley Dressage Club. This should be good fun, Wendy and I always have a great time when we go off judging together. I sat and passed my B level judging last year and now Wen is going to go for hers this year, so we will probably see her at some of the CDIs, as she will be Shadow Judging. Good Luck Wendy xo
Oops, I forgot to throw in the date of the 20th, as we maybe going to a Racehorse auction in Victoria, yes!! you heard right, we are now looking for another racehorse to play with. Well, I don’t mean literally play with, I mean serious to train as a racehorse, as we have our Owner/Trainer Licence. This horse, whether it is a mare or gelding, needs to be easy to ride as I will probably be doing most of the work on the racetrack and I would also want to be able to ride it on the beach. So it does need to be reasonable to ride, and I will probably give it more dressage training as well. This racehorse will have the most unbelievable life as our racehorse… very spoilt… a beautiful grassy paddock to go into every day… lots of treats… beach rides… pampering body treatments…
April, Easter long weekend, I have been invited to coach and lecture at the Dressage Unravelled clinic at Caboolture.
NOW we are into the start of 3 weekends in a row of Dressage Competitions, going with Spider Bite, and Heaven Sent and with GODSPEED.
12 April Caboolture 1 Star Event with Spider and Heaven
18 April QSEC Event with just Spider
19 April Bangalow NSW with all 3 of them
26 April NADEC Gold Coast with the girls!! The final hit out for the Spider before we do ‘Meditation on the Beach’ and pack up the new gooseneck of Sue’s and head down the Pacific Highway for the Sydney CDI on 5-10 May. I will get to have my birthday at home for a change instead of on the road. You know, I just don’t know how many of these CDIs I have been too, I think we competed at one of the first ones at the new ex Olympic Venue at SIEC, and I think I have also competed at one of the first ones ever started at Lochinvar, yes folks, that was way back!! Oh man its great to advance forward in years of experience!!!!!!
22-24 May Toowoomba Championships, we maybe take all 3 of them, as Anne will be back and so that means that Scuba will have his own Chariot and driver.
30 May QSEC again this time for both girls. Spider will need to be preparing herself for the Brisbane CDI, where we will have our new Intermediate Freestyle, and QSEC is the venue for this.
31 May Bangalow Member Championships for the two younger ones, being Heaven Sent and GODSPEED.